2024 Witek Cup
The Witek Cup is 12 regular season events with a Witek Championship.
- Players must have a CDGA or approved golf handicap to compete.
- For all events, play must be with a fellow Witek Cup competitor. Events listed with multiple days, play one day or other but not both.
- The Witek Cup Event fees are $20. The event fees are in addition to green fees. Event Fee for the Witek Championship, if you qualify is $40. Players can purchase a “Witek Regular Season” bundle, which includes all 12 regular season event fees for $200.
- 50% of the field receives gift certificates for regular season events, 100% of players whom qualify based on event points for Witek Championship receive gift certificates.
- Players accrue event points for each regular season event played. Points are used at season end to qualify for Witek Championship and players starting position in that event.
- Communication will be provided to all participants on point position throughout the season. Points are summed for players season position using the top 8 of 12 or less regular season events played. If an event is cancelled during regular season due to weather or other and not rescheduled, then top 8 would be used.
- To qualify for the Witek Championship,
- Players must play in at least 7 of 12 regular season events.
- Be amongst the top 15 regular season point leaders and ties.

*See Witek Cup Booklet inside the clubhouse for further Witek Cup Info.
For More Information on the events, please call the golf shop at 815-923-2332, or send us an email at golfshop@marengoridgegolfclub.com.