Marengo Ridge Golf Leagues 2020
Monday Morning Senior League — 18 Holes —
Play starts the first Monday in April.
Starting time is 8:30 until end of May.
June – September the start time is 8 AM.
For more information, please call the golf shop at 815-923-3330.
Monday Night Men’s League — 9 Holes —
5 PM Shotgun Start
April 20th – August 24th.
Team League Format. Players will be assigned to teams. You will play
against another team each week.
This league is actively looking for more players. Please email Don
Lucchetti at dlucchetti1@yahoo.com for more information, or if you are interested.
**League will start when the shelter in place order is lifted**
Tuesday Morning Ladies League — 9 Holes —
Play is open to all skill levels. The focus of this league is fun!!
May 5th – August 25th.
May 5th – May 26th tee times start at 9:04 AM.
June 2nd – August 25th tee times start at 8:32 AM.
This league is actively looking for more players. Please call the golf
shop at 815-923-2332 for more information.
Ye Olde Whiffers Golf League
Wednesday Morning Ladies League — 9 Holes —
Ladies morning golf league open to all levels of play.
Registration fee is $50. (Used for weekly prizes and general prize fund)
May 6th – September 9th
May 6th – May 27th 8:30 AM Shotgun Start.
June 3rd – August 26th 8:00 AM Shotgun Start.
September 2nd – September 9th 8:30 AM Shotgun Start.
End of season tournament and an outing.
Subs are welcome and can play every week. Subs are eligible for weekly prizes.
This league is actively looking for players. For more information, please call the membership chairman, Diane, at 815-568-5658. Press zero when prompted.
Wednesday Night 4 Person Team League — 9 Holes —
May 6th – August 26th
Tee Times 4 PM – 5:30 PM
*This league is actively looking for individual players and teams.*
For more information, please contact Adam via email, gump@remkesgarage.com
Thursday Night Ladies — 9 Holes —
Thursday Night Ladies League is open to all levels of play. Registration fee is $75. Fee includes end of year outing and luncheon, and $2.00 per week for different games (least putts, etc.).
May 7th – August 27th. First Tee Time is 4:32 PM. Subs are welcome.
(No registration fee – not eligible for prize money)
This league is actively looking for players.
For more information, please call the membership chairman, Diane, at 815-568-5658. Press zero when prompted.